My Mission Call Went Back to SLC….

I landed in Salt Lake City and am now waiting for the shuttle to take me back to BYUI.

The strangers around me must have been looking at me weird as I posed in front of my laptop with a strange  white envelope. Oh well! I’ll never see them again… or will I…. :/

But as I was speed walking through the airport to make sure I got to the shuttle-pick-up-spot early enough, I walked past two or three missionary homecomings. It was super cool and, because I knew what they were doing, I could definitely feel the Spirit.

As much as I look forward to saying goodbye to my family and friends for two, whole years, I anticipate seeing them again when I will come back – as a different person.

I kind of wish we all could just fast forward to after our missions so we can just be all cool and talk about our missions and tell people, “My mission president always said…” (If I had a nickel every time I heard that!!)

But we have to go through the hard stuff (and the fun stuff) to become those really cool Return Missionaries.

18 hours now until I can open my mission call! I am excited to get back to Rexburg and start this new semester. It is what I am supposed to be doing and I am in the right place.


Mission Call @ OAK

Me and the Mission Call waiting at the Oakland Airport.

Mission Call @ on plane to SLC

Landed in SLC. I could be a little more creative with my facial expressions.

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